Source code for

import datetime
import enum
import functools
import json
import os
import typing

import fsspec
import pandas as pd
import pydantic
import tlz
from pydantic import ConfigDict

from ._search import search, search_apply_require_all_on

def _allnan_or_nonan(df, column: str) -> bool:
    """Check if all values in a column are NaN or not NaN

        Whether the dataframe column has all NaNs or no NaN valles

        When the column has a mix of NaNs non NaN values
    if df[column].isnull().all():
        return False
    if df[column].isnull().any():
        raise ValueError(
            f'The data in the {column} column should either be all NaN or there should be no NaNs'
    return True

class AggregationType(str, enum.Enum):
    join_new = 'join_new'
    join_existing = 'join_existing'
    union = 'union'

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

class DataFormat(str, enum.Enum):
    netcdf = 'netcdf'
    zarr = 'zarr'
    reference = 'reference'
    opendap = 'opendap'

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

class Attribute(pydantic.BaseModel):
    column_name: pydantic.StrictStr
    vocabulary: pydantic.StrictStr = ''

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

class Assets(pydantic.BaseModel):
    column_name: pydantic.StrictStr
    format: typing.Optional[DataFormat] = None
    format_column_name: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictStr] = None

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

    def _validate_data_format(cls, model):
        data_format, format_column_name = model.format, model.format_column_name
        if data_format is not None and format_column_name is not None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot set both format and format_column_name')
        elif data_format is None and format_column_name is None:
            raise ValueError('Must set one of format or format_column_name')
        return model

class Aggregation(pydantic.BaseModel):
    type: AggregationType
    attribute_name: pydantic.StrictStr
    options: dict = {}

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

class AggregationControl(pydantic.BaseModel):
    variable_column_name: pydantic.StrictStr
    groupby_attrs: list[pydantic.StrictStr]
    aggregations: list[Aggregation] = []

    model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True)

[docs]class ESMCatalogModel(pydantic.BaseModel): """ Pydantic model for the ESM data catalog defined in """ esmcat_version: pydantic.StrictStr attributes: list[Attribute] assets: Assets aggregation_control: typing.Optional[AggregationControl] = None id: str = '' catalog_dict: typing.Optional[list[dict]] = None catalog_file: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictStr] = None description: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictStr] = None title: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictStr] = None last_updated: typing.Optional[typing.Union[datetime.datetime,]] = None _df: pd.DataFrame = pydantic.PrivateAttr() model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, validate_default=True, validate_assignment=True ) @pydantic.model_validator(mode='after') def validate_catalog(cls, model): catalog_dict, catalog_file = model.catalog_dict, model.catalog_file if catalog_dict is not None and catalog_file is not None: raise ValueError('catalog_dict and catalog_file cannot be set at the same time') return model @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> 'ESMCatalogModel': esmcat = data['esmcat'] df = data['df'] if 'last_updated' not in esmcat: esmcat['last_updated'] = None cat = cls.model_validate(esmcat) cat._df = df return cat
[docs] def save( self, name: str, *, directory: str = None, catalog_type: str = 'dict', to_csv_kwargs: dict = None, json_dump_kwargs: dict = None, storage_options: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, ) -> None: """ Save the catalog to a file. Parameters ----------- name: str The name of the file to save the catalog to. directory: str The directory or cloud storage bucket to save the catalog to. If None, use the current directory. catalog_type: str The type of catalog to save. Whether to save the catalog table as a dictionary in the JSON file or as a separate CSV file. Valid options are 'dict' and 'file'. to_csv_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` method. json_dump_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:func:`~json.dump` function. storage_options: dict fsspec parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. Notes ----- Large catalogs can result in large JSON files. To keep the JSON file size manageable, call with `catalog_type='file'` to save catalog as a separate CSV file. """ if catalog_type not in {'file', 'dict'}: raise ValueError( f'catalog_type must be either "dict" or "file". Received catalog_type={catalog_type}' ) # Check if the directory is None, and if it is, set it to the current directory if directory is None: directory = os.getcwd() # Configure the fsspec mapper and associated filenames mapper = fsspec.get_mapper(f'{directory}', storage_options=storage_options) fs = mapper.fs csv_file_name = fs.unstrip_protocol(f'{mapper.root}/{name}.csv') json_file_name = fs.unstrip_protocol(f'{mapper.root}/{name}.json') data = self.dict().copy() for key in {'catalog_dict', 'catalog_file'}: data.pop(key, None) data['id'] = name data['last_updated'] ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') if catalog_type == 'file': csv_kwargs = {'index': False} csv_kwargs.update(to_csv_kwargs or {}) compression = csv_kwargs.get('compression') extensions = {'gzip': '.gz', 'bz2': '.bz2', 'zip': '.zip', 'xz': '.xz', None: ''} csv_file_name = f'{csv_file_name}{extensions[compression]}' data['catalog_file'] = str(csv_file_name) with, 'wb') as csv_outfile: self.df.to_csv(csv_outfile, **csv_kwargs) else: data['catalog_dict'] = self.df.to_dict(orient='records') with, 'w') as outfile: json_kwargs = {'indent': 2} json_kwargs.update(json_dump_kwargs or {}) json.dump(data, outfile, **json_kwargs) print(f'Successfully wrote ESM catalog json file to: {json_file_name}')
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, json_file: typing.Union[str, pydantic.FilePath, pydantic.AnyUrl], storage_options: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, read_csv_kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, ) -> 'ESMCatalogModel': """ Loads the catalog from a file Parameters ----------- json_file: str or pathlib.Path The path to the json file containing the catalog storage_options: dict fsspec parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. read_csv_kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:func:`~pandas.read_csv` function. """ storage_options = storage_options if storage_options is not None else {} read_csv_kwargs = read_csv_kwargs or {} json_file = str(json_file) # We accept Path, but fsspec doesn't. _mapper = fsspec.get_mapper(json_file, **storage_options) with, **storage_options) as fobj: data = json.loads( if 'last_updated' not in data: data['last_updated'] = None cat = cls.model_validate(data) if cat.catalog_file: if _mapper.fs.exists(cat.catalog_file): csv_path = cat.catalog_file else: csv_path = f'{os.path.dirname(_mapper.root)}/{cat.catalog_file}' cat.catalog_file = csv_path df = pd.read_csv( cat.catalog_file, storage_options=storage_options, **read_csv_kwargs, ) else: df = pd.DataFrame(cat.catalog_dict) cat._df = df cat._cast_agg_columns_with_iterables() return cat
@property def columns_with_iterables(self) -> set[str]: """Return a set of columns that have iterables.""" if self._df.empty: return set() has_iterables = ( self._df.sample(20, replace=True).map(type).isin([list, tuple, set]).any().to_dict() ) return {column for column, check in has_iterables.items() if check} @property def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the dataframe.""" return self._df @property def has_multiple_variable_assets(self) -> bool: """Return True if the catalog has multiple variable assets.""" if self.aggregation_control: return self.aggregation_control.variable_column_name in self.columns_with_iterables return False def _cast_agg_columns_with_iterables(self) -> None: """Cast all agg_columns with iterables to tuple values so as to avoid hashing issues (e.g. TypeError: unhashable type: 'list') """ if self.aggregation_control: columns = list( self.columns_with_iterables.intersection( set(map(lambda agg: agg.attribute_name, self.aggregation_control.aggregations)) ) ) if columns: self._df[columns] = self._df[columns].apply(tuple) @property def grouped(self) -> typing.Union[pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy, pd.DataFrame]: if self.aggregation_control: if self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs: self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs = list( filter( functools.partial(_allnan_or_nonan, self.df), self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs, ) ) if self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs and set( self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs ) != set(self.df.columns): return self.df.groupby(self.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs) cols = list( filter( functools.partial(_allnan_or_nonan, self.df), self.df.columns, ) ) return self.df.groupby(cols) def _construct_group_keys(self, sep: str = '.') -> dict[str, typing.Union[str, tuple[str]]]: internal_keys = self.grouped.groups.keys() public_keys = map( lambda key: key if isinstance(key, str) else sep.join(str(value) for value in key), internal_keys, ) return dict(zip(public_keys, internal_keys)) def _unique(self) -> dict: def _find_unique(series): values = series.dropna() if in self.columns_with_iterables: values = tlz.concat(values) return list(tlz.unique(values)) data = self.df[self.df.columns] if data.empty: return {col: [] for col in self.df.columns} else: return data.apply(_find_unique, result_type='reduce').to_dict()
[docs] def unique(self) -> pd.Series: """Return a series of unique values for each column in the catalog.""" return pd.Series(self._unique())
[docs] def nunique(self) -> pd.Series: """Return a series of the number of unique values for each column in the catalog.""" return pd.Series(tlz.valmap(len, self._unique()))
[docs] def search( self, *, query: typing.Union['QueryModel', dict[str, typing.Any]], require_all_on: typing.Union[str, list[str]] = None, ) -> 'ESMCatalogModel': """ Search for entries in the catalog. Parameters ---------- query: dict, optional A dictionary of query parameters to execute against the dataframe. require_all_on : list, str, optional A dataframe column or a list of dataframe columns across which all entries must satisfy the query criteria. If None, return entries that fulfill any of the criteria specified in the query, by default None. Returns ------- catalog: ESMCatalogModel A new catalog with the entries satisfying the query criteria. """ _query = ( query if isinstance(query, QueryModel) else QueryModel( query=query, require_all_on=require_all_on, columns=self.df.columns.tolist() ) ) results = search( df=self.df, query=_query.query, columns_with_iterables=self.columns_with_iterables ) if _query.require_all_on is not None and not results.empty: results = search_apply_require_all_on( df=results, query=_query.query, require_all_on=_query.require_all_on, columns_with_iterables=self.columns_with_iterables, ) return results
[docs]class QueryModel(pydantic.BaseModel): """A Pydantic model to represent a query to be executed against a catalog.""" query: dict[pydantic.StrictStr, typing.Union[typing.Any, list[typing.Any]]] columns: list[str] require_all_on: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, list[typing.Any]]] = None # TODO: Seem to be unable to modify fields in model_validator with # validate_assignment=True since it leads to recursion model_config = ConfigDict(validate_default=True, validate_assignment=False) @pydantic.model_validator(mode='after') def validate_query(cls, model): query = model.query columns = model.columns require_all_on = model.require_all_on if query: for key in query: if key not in columns: raise ValueError(f'Column {key} not in columns {columns}') if isinstance(require_all_on, str): model.require_all_on = [require_all_on] if require_all_on is not None: for key in model.require_all_on: if key not in columns: raise ValueError(f'Column {key} not in columns {columns}') _query = query.copy() for key, value in _query.items(): if isinstance(value, (str, int, float, bool)) or value is None or value is pd.NA: _query[key] = [value] model.query = _query return model