Source code for intake_esm.core

import ast
import concurrent.futures
import typing
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import dask

    from datatree import DataTree

except ImportError:
import pandas as pd
import pydantic
import xarray as xr
from fastprogress.fastprogress import progress_bar
from intake.catalog import Catalog

from .cat import ESMCatalogModel
from .derived import DerivedVariableRegistry, default_registry
from .source import ESMDataSource

[docs]class esm_datastore(Catalog): """ An intake plugin for parsing an ESM (Earth System Model) Catalog and loading assets (netCDF files and/or Zarr stores) into xarray datasets. The in-memory representation for the catalog is a Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- obj : str, dict If string, this must be a path or URL to an ESM catalog JSON file. If dict, this must be a dict representation of an ESM catalog. This dict must have two keys: 'esmcat' and 'df'. The 'esmcat' key must be a dict representation of the ESM catalog and the 'df' key must be a Pandas DataFrame containing content that would otherwise be in a CSV file. sep : str, optional Delimiter to use when constructing a key for a query, by default '.' registry : DerivedVariableRegistry, optional Registry of derived variables to use, by default None. If not provided, uses the default registry. read_csv_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:func:`~pandas.read_csv` function. columns_with_iterables : list of str, optional A list of columns in the csv file containing iterables. Values in columns specified here will be converted with `ast.literal_eval` when :py:func:`~pandas.read_csv` is called (i.e., this is a shortcut to passing converters to `read_csv_kwargs`). storage_options : dict, optional Parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. intake_kwargs: dict, optional Additional keyword arguments are passed through to the :py:class:`~intake.catalog.Catalog` base class. Examples -------- At import time, this plugin is available in intake's registry as `esm_datastore` and can be accessed with `intake.open_esm_datastore()`: >>> import intake >>> url = "" >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore(url) >>> cat.df.head() activity_id institution_id source_id experiment_id ... variable_id grid_label zstore dcpp_init_year 0 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ssp370 ... pr gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 1 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ssp370 ... prsn gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 2 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ssp370 ... tas gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 3 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ssp370 ... tasmax gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 4 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ssp370 ... tasmin gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN """ name = 'esm_datastore' container = 'xarray' def __init__( self, obj: typing.Union[pydantic.FilePath, pydantic.AnyUrl, dict[str, typing.Any]], *, progressbar: bool = True, sep: str = '.', registry: typing.Optional[DerivedVariableRegistry] = None, read_csv_kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, columns_with_iterables: list[str] = None, storage_options: dict[str, typing.Any] = None, **intake_kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any], ): """Intake Catalog representing an ESM Collection.""" super().__init__(**intake_kwargs) self.storage_options = storage_options or {} read_csv_kwargs = read_csv_kwargs or {} if columns_with_iterables: converter = ast.literal_eval read_csv_kwargs.setdefault('converters', {}) for col in columns_with_iterables: if read_csv_kwargs['converters'].setdefault(col, converter) != converter: raise ValueError( f"Cannot provide converter for '{col}' via `read_csv_kwargs` when '{col}' is also specified in `columns_with_iterables`" ) self.read_csv_kwargs = read_csv_kwargs self.progressbar = progressbar self.sep = sep if isinstance(obj, dict): self.esmcat = ESMCatalogModel.from_dict(obj) else: self.esmcat = ESMCatalogModel.load( obj, storage_options=self.storage_options, read_csv_kwargs=read_csv_kwargs ) self.derivedcat = registry or default_registry self._entries = {} self._requested_variables = [] self.datasets = {} self._validate_derivedcat() def _validate_derivedcat(self) -> None: if self.esmcat.aggregation_control is None and len(self.derivedcat): raise ValueError( 'Variable derivation requires `aggregation_control` to be specified in the catalog.' ) for key, entry in self.derivedcat.items(): if self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name not in entry.query.keys(): raise ValueError( f'Variable derivation requires `{self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name}` to be specified in query: {entry.query} for derived variable {key}.' ) for col in entry.query: if col not in self.esmcat.df.columns: raise ValueError( f'Derived variable {key} depends on unknown column {col} in query: {entry.query}. Valid ESM catalog columns: {self.esmcat.df.columns.tolist()}.' )
[docs] def keys(self) -> list[str]: """ Get keys for the catalog entries Returns ------- list keys for the catalog entries """ return list(self.esmcat._construct_group_keys(sep=self.sep).keys())
[docs] def keys_info(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get keys for the catalog entries and their metadata Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame keys for the catalog entries and their metadata Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("./tests/sample-catalogs/cesm1-lens-netcdf.json") >>> cat.keys_info() component experiment stream key ocn.20C.pop.h ocn 20C pop.h ocn.CTRL.pop.h ocn CTRL pop.h ocn.RCP85.pop.h ocn RCP85 pop.h """ results = self.esmcat._construct_group_keys(sep=self.sep) if self.esmcat.aggregation_control and self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs: groupby_attrs = self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs else: groupby_attrs = list(self.df.columns) data = {key: dict(zip(groupby_attrs, results[key])) for key in results} data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index') = 'key' return data
@property def key_template(self) -> str: """ Return string template used to create catalog entry keys Returns ------- str string template used to create catalog entry keys """ if self.esmcat.aggregation_control and self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs: return self.sep.join(self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs) else: return self.sep.join(self.esmcat.df.columns) @property def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return pandas :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ return self.esmcat.df def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.keys()) def _get_entries(self) -> dict[str, ESMDataSource]: # Due to just-in-time entry creation, we may not have all entries loaded # We need to make sure to create entries missing from self._entries missing = set(self.keys()) - set(self._entries.keys()) for key in missing: _ = self[key] return self._entries
[docs] @pydantic.validate_arguments def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> ESMDataSource: """ This method takes a key argument and return a data source corresponding to assets (files) that will be aggregated into a single xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- key : str key to use for catalog entry lookup Returns ------- intake_esm.source.ESMDataSource A data source by name (key) Raises ------ KeyError if key is not found. Examples -------- >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("mycatalog.json") >>> data_source = cat[""] """ # The canonical unique key is the key of a compatible group of assets try: return self._entries[key] except KeyError as e: if key in self.keys(): keys_dict = self.esmcat._construct_group_keys(sep=self.sep) grouped = self.esmcat.grouped internal_key = keys_dict[key] if isinstance(grouped, pd.DataFrame): records = [grouped.loc[internal_key].to_dict()] else: records = grouped.get_group(internal_key).to_dict(orient='records') if self.esmcat.aggregation_control: variable_column_name = self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name aggregations = self.esmcat.aggregation_control.aggregations else: variable_column_name = None aggregations = [] # Create a new entry entry = ESMDataSource( key=key, records=records, variable_column_name=variable_column_name, path_column_name=self.esmcat.assets.column_name, data_format=self.esmcat.assets.format, format_column_name=self.esmcat.assets.format_column_name, aggregations=aggregations, intake_kwargs={'metadata': {}}, ) self._entries[key] = entry return self._entries[key] raise KeyError( f'key={key} not found in catalog. You can access the list of valid keys via the .keys() method.' ) from e
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: # Python falls back to iterating over the entire catalog # if this method is not defined. To avoid this, we implement it differently try: self[key] except KeyError: return False else: return True def __repr__(self) -> str: """Make string representation of object.""" return f'<{ or ""} catalog with {len(self)} dataset(s) from {len(self.df)} asset(s)>' def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """ Return an html representation for the catalog object. Mainly for IPython notebook """ uniques = pd.DataFrame(self.nunique(), columns=['unique']) text = uniques._repr_html_() return f'<p><strong>{ or ""} catalog with {len(self)} dataset(s) from {len(self.df)} asset(s)</strong>:</p> {text}' def _ipython_display_(self): """ Display the entry as a rich object in an IPython session """ from IPython.display import HTML, display contents = self._repr_html_() display(HTML(contents)) def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: rv = [ 'df', 'to_dataset_dict', 'to_datatree', 'to_dask', 'keys', 'keys_info', 'serialize', 'datasets', 'search', 'unique', 'nunique', 'key_template', ] return sorted(list(self.__dict__.keys()) + rv) def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return self.__dir__()
[docs] @pydantic.validate_arguments def search( self, require_all_on: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, list[str]]] = None, **query: typing.Any, ): """Search for entries in the catalog. Parameters ---------- require_all_on : list, str, optional A dataframe column or a list of dataframe columns across which all entries must satisfy the query criteria. If None, return entries that fulfill any of the criteria specified in the query, by default None. **query: keyword arguments corresponding to user's query to execute against the dataframe. Returns ------- cat : :py:class:`~intake_esm.core.esm_datastore` A new Catalog with a subset of the entries in this Catalog. Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("pangeo-cmip6.json") >>> cat.df.head(3) activity_id institution_id source_id ... grid_label zstore dcpp_init_year 0 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ... gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 1 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ... gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN 2 AerChemMIP BCC BCC-ESM1 ... gn gs://cmip6/AerChemMIP/BCC/BCC-ESM1/ssp370/r1i1... NaN >>> sub_cat = ... source_id=["BCC-CSM2-MR", "CNRM-CM6-1", "CNRM-ESM2-1"], ... experiment_id=["historical", "ssp585"], ... variable_id="pr", ... table_id="Amon", ... grid_label="gn", ... ) >>> sub_cat.df.head(3) activity_id institution_id source_id ... grid_label zstore dcpp_init_year 260 CMIP BCC BCC-CSM2-MR ... gn gs://cmip6/CMIP/BCC/BCC-CSM2-MR/historical/r1i... NaN 346 CMIP BCC BCC-CSM2-MR ... gn gs://cmip6/CMIP/BCC/BCC-CSM2-MR/historical/r2i... NaN 401 CMIP BCC BCC-CSM2-MR ... gn gs://cmip6/CMIP/BCC/BCC-CSM2-MR/historical/r3i... NaN The search method also accepts compiled regular expression objects from :py:func:`~re.compile` as patterns. >>> import re >>> # Let's search for variables containing "Frac" in their name >>> pat = re.compile(r"Frac") # Define a regular expression >>> >>> cat.df.head().variable_id 0 residualFrac 1 landCoverFrac 2 landCoverFrac 3 residualFrac 4 landCoverFrac """ # step 1: Search in the base/main catalog esmcat_results =, query=query) # step 2: Search for entries required to derive variables in the derived catalogs # This requires a bit of a hack i.e. the user has to specify the variable in the query derivedcat_results = [] if self.esmcat.aggregation_control: variables = query.pop(self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name, None) else: variables = None dependents = [] derived_cat_subset = {} if variables: if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] for key, value in self.derivedcat.items(): if key in variables: res = require_all_on=require_all_on, query={**value.query, **query} ) if not res.empty: derivedcat_results.append(res) dependents.extend( value.dependent_variables( self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name ) ) derived_cat_subset[key] = value if derivedcat_results: # Merge results from the main and the derived catalogs esmcat_results = ( pd.concat([esmcat_results, *derivedcat_results]) .drop_duplicates() .reset_index(drop=True) ) cat = self.__class__({'esmcat': self.esmcat.dict(), 'df': esmcat_results}) cat.esmcat.catalog_file = None # Don't save the catalog file if self.esmcat.has_multiple_variable_assets: requested_variables = list(set(variables or []).union(dependents)) else: requested_variables = [] cat._requested_variables = requested_variables # step 3: Subset the derived catalog, # but only if variables were looked up, otherwise transfer the whole catalog. if variables is not None: cat.derivedcat = DerivedVariableRegistry() cat.derivedcat._registry.update(derived_cat_subset) else: cat.derivedcat = self.derivedcat return cat
[docs] @pydantic.validate_arguments def serialize( self, name: pydantic.StrictStr, directory: typing.Optional[typing.Union[pydantic.DirectoryPath, pydantic.StrictStr]] = None, catalog_type: str = 'dict', to_csv_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]] = None, json_dump_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]] = None, storage_options: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Serialize catalog to corresponding json and csv files. Parameters ---------- name : str name to use when creating ESM catalog json file and csv catalog. directory : str, PathLike, default None The path to the local directory. If None, use the current directory catalog_type: str, default 'dict' Whether to save the catalog table as a dictionary in the JSON file or as a separate CSV file. to_csv_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:meth:`~pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` method. json_dump_kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the :py:func:`~json.dump` function. storage_options: dict fsspec parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. Notes ----- Large catalogs can result in large JSON files. To keep the JSON file size manageable, call with `catalog_type='file'` to save catalog as a separate CSV file. Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("pangeo-cmip6.json") >>> cat_subset = ... source_id="BCC-ESM1", ... grid_label="gn", ... table_id="Amon", ... experiment_id="historical", ... ) >>> cat_subset.serialize(name="cmip6_bcc_esm1", catalog_type="file") """ name, directory=directory, catalog_type=catalog_type, to_csv_kwargs=to_csv_kwargs, json_dump_kwargs=json_dump_kwargs, storage_options=storage_options, )
[docs] def nunique(self) -> pd.Series: """Count distinct observations across dataframe columns in the catalog. Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("pangeo-cmip6.json") >>> cat.nunique() activity_id 10 institution_id 23 source_id 48 experiment_id 29 member_id 86 table_id 19 variable_id 187 grid_label 7 zstore 27437 dcpp_init_year 59 dtype: int64 """ nunique = self.esmcat.nunique() if self.esmcat.aggregation_control: nunique[f'derived_{self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name}'] = len( self.derivedcat.keys() ) return nunique
[docs] def unique(self) -> pd.Series: """Return unique values for given columns in the catalog. """ unique = self.esmcat.unique() if self.esmcat.aggregation_control: unique[f'derived_{self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name}'] = list( self.derivedcat.keys() ) return unique
[docs] @pydantic.validate_arguments def to_dataset_dict( self, xarray_open_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, preprocess: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, storage_options: typing.Optional[dict[pydantic.StrictStr, typing.Any]] = None, progressbar: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictBool] = None, aggregate: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictBool] = None, skip_on_error: pydantic.StrictBool = False, **kwargs, ) -> dict[str, xr.Dataset]: """ Load catalog entries into a dictionary of xarray datasets. Column values, dataset keys and requested variables are added as global attributes on the returned datasets. The names of these attributes can be customized with :py:class:`intake_esm.utils.set_options`. Parameters ---------- xarray_open_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataset` function xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs: : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :py:func:`~xarray.combine_by_coords` function. preprocess : callable, optional If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to aggregation. storage_options : dict, optional fsspec Parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. progressbar : bool If True, will print a progress bar to standard error (stderr) when loading assets into :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset`. aggregate : bool, optional If False, no aggregation will be done. skip_on_error : bool, optional If True, skip datasets that cannot be loaded and/or variables we are unable to derive. Returns ------- dsets : dict A dictionary of xarray :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset`. Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("glade-cmip6.json") >>> sub_cat = ... source_id=["BCC-CSM2-MR", "CNRM-CM6-1", "CNRM-ESM2-1"], ... experiment_id=["historical", "ssp585"], ... variable_id="pr", ... table_id="Amon", ... grid_label="gn", ... ) >>> dsets = sub_cat.to_dataset_dict() >>> dsets.keys() dict_keys(['', '']) >>> dsets[""] <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (bnds: 2, lat: 160, lon: 320, member_id: 3, time: 1980) Coordinates: * lon (lon) float64 0.0 1.125 2.25 3.375 ... 355.5 356.6 357.8 358.9 * lat (lat) float64 -89.14 -88.03 -86.91 -85.79 ... 86.91 88.03 89.14 * time (time) object 1850-01-16 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-16 12:00:00 * member_id (member_id) <U8 'r1i1p1f1' 'r2i1p1f1' 'r3i1p1f1' Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(160, 2), meta=np.ndarray> lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(320, 2), meta=np.ndarray> time_bnds (time, bnds) object dask.array<chunksize=(1980, 2), meta=np.ndarray> pr (member_id, time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 600, 160, 320), meta=np.ndarray> """ # Return fast if not self.keys(): warnings.warn( 'There are no datasets to load! Returning an empty dictionary.', UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return {} if ( self.esmcat.aggregation_control and ( self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name in self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs ) and len(self.derivedcat) > 0 ): raise NotImplementedError( f'The `{self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name}` column name is used as a groupby attribute: {self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs}. ' 'This is not yet supported when computing derived variables.' ) xarray_open_kwargs = xarray_open_kwargs or {} xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs = xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs or {} cdf_kwargs, zarr_kwargs = kwargs.get('cdf_kwargs'), kwargs.get('zarr_kwargs') if cdf_kwargs or zarr_kwargs: warnings.warn( 'cdf_kwargs and zarr_kwargs are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. ' 'Please use xarray_open_kwargs instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if cdf_kwargs: xarray_open_kwargs.update(cdf_kwargs) if zarr_kwargs: xarray_open_kwargs.update(zarr_kwargs) source_kwargs = dict( xarray_open_kwargs=xarray_open_kwargs, xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs=xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs, preprocess=preprocess, requested_variables=self._requested_variables, storage_options=storage_options, ) if aggregate is not None and not aggregate and self.esmcat.aggregation_control: self = deepcopy(self) self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs = [] if progressbar is not None: self.progressbar = progressbar if self.progressbar: print( f"""\n--> The keys in the returned dictionary of datasets are constructed as follows:\n\t'{self.key_template}'""" ) sources = {key: source(**source_kwargs) for key, source in self.items()} datasets = {} with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=dask.system.CPU_COUNT) as executor: future_tasks = [ executor.submit(_load_source, key, source) for key, source in sources.items() ] if self.progressbar: gen = progress_bar( concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_tasks), total=len(sources) ) else: gen = concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_tasks) for task in gen: try: key, ds = task.result() datasets[key] = ds except Exception as exc: if not skip_on_error: raise exc self.datasets = self._create_derived_variables(datasets, skip_on_error) return self.datasets
[docs] @pydantic.validate_arguments def to_datatree( self, xarray_open_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, preprocess: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, storage_options: typing.Optional[dict[pydantic.StrictStr, typing.Any]] = None, progressbar: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictBool] = None, aggregate: typing.Optional[pydantic.StrictBool] = None, skip_on_error: pydantic.StrictBool = False, levels: list[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Load catalog entries into a tree of xarray datasets. Parameters ---------- xarray_open_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataset` function xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs: : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :py:func:`~xarray.combine_by_coords` function. preprocess : callable, optional If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to aggregation. storage_options : dict, optional Parameters passed to the backend file-system such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Web Service S3. progressbar : bool If True, will print a progress bar to standard error (stderr) when loading assets into :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset`. aggregate : bool, optional If False, no aggregation will be done. skip_on_error : bool, optional If True, skip datasets that cannot be loaded and/or variables we are unable to derive. levels : list[str], optional List of fields to use as the datatree nodes. WARNING: This will overwrite the fields used to create the unique aggregation keys. Returns ------- dsets : :py:class:`~datatree.DataTree` A tree of xarray :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset`. Examples -------- >>> import intake >>> cat = intake.open_esm_datastore("glade-cmip6.json") >>> sub_cat = ... source_id=["BCC-CSM2-MR", "CNRM-CM6-1", "CNRM-ESM2-1"], ... experiment_id=["historical", "ssp585"], ... variable_id="pr", ... table_id="Amon", ... grid_label="gn", ... ) >>> dsets = sub_cat.to_datatree() >>> dsets["CMIP/BCC.BCC-CSM2-MR/historical/Amon/gn"].ds <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (bnds: 2, lat: 160, lon: 320, member_id: 3, time: 1980) Coordinates: * lon (lon) float64 0.0 1.125 2.25 3.375 ... 355.5 356.6 357.8 358.9 * lat (lat) float64 -89.14 -88.03 -86.91 -85.79 ... 86.91 88.03 89.14 * time (time) object 1850-01-16 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-16 12:00:00 * member_id (member_id) <U8 'r1i1p1f1' 'r2i1p1f1' 'r3i1p1f1' Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(160, 2), meta=np.ndarray> lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(320, 2), meta=np.ndarray> time_bnds (time, bnds) object dask.array<chunksize=(1980, 2), meta=np.ndarray> pr (member_id, time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 600, 160, 320), meta=np.ndarray> """ if not _DATATREE_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( '.to_datatree() requires the xarray-datatree package to be installed. ' 'To proceed please install xarray-datatree using: ' ' `python -m pip install xarray-datatree` or `conda install -c conda-forge xarray-datatree`.' ) # Change the groupby controls if neccessary, used to assemble the tree if levels is not None: self = deepcopy(self) self.esmcat.aggregation_control.groupby_attrs = levels # Set the separator to a / for datatree temporarily self.sep, old_sep = '/', self.sep # Use to dataset dict to access dictionary of datasets self.datasets = self.to_dataset_dict( xarray_open_kwargs=xarray_open_kwargs, xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs=xarray_combine_by_coords_kwargs, preprocess=preprocess, storage_options=storage_options, progressbar=progressbar, aggregate=aggregate, skip_on_error=skip_on_error, **kwargs, ) # Set the separator to the original value self.sep = old_sep # Convert the dictionary of datasets to a datatree self.datasets = DataTree.from_dict(self.datasets) return self.datasets
[docs] def to_dask(self, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: """ Convert result to an xarray dataset. This is only possible if the search returned exactly one result. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Parameters forwarded to :py:func:`~intake_esm.esm_datastore.to_dataset_dict`. Returns ------- :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset` """ if len(self) != 1: # quick check to fail more quickly if there are many results raise ValueError( f'Expected exactly one dataset. Received {len(self)} datasets. Please refine your search or use `.to_dataset_dict()`.' ) res = self.to_dataset_dict(**{**kwargs, 'progressbar': False}) if len(res) != 1: # extra check in case kwargs did modify something raise ValueError( f'Expected exactly one dataset. Received {len(self)} datasets. Please refine your search or use `.to_dataset_dict()`.' ) _, ds = res.popitem() return ds
def _create_derived_variables(self, datasets, skip_on_error): if len(self.derivedcat) > 0: datasets = self.derivedcat.update_datasets( datasets=datasets, variable_key_name=self.esmcat.aggregation_control.variable_column_name, skip_on_error=skip_on_error, ) return datasets
def _load_source(key, source): return key, source.to_dask()